You are a specialist in everything you do, when it is time to sell your heating and air company do you think it makes a difference who you work with?
Sales of HVAC companies in Florida the last 45 days
In the picture listed above are two heating and air companies that sold in the last 45 days with Business Brokers of Florida. Business Brokers of Florida is a non profit association made up of the leading business brokerage companies and agents throughout the state of Florida, and has an MLS system similar to that used by realtors where businesses are listed for sale.
At first glance it appears the businesses are similar, however, just a quick look at the numbers show the bottom one has $293,964 more in gross sales. The bottom one was priced $66,000 more than the top one, yet its net income was $22,539 lower.
More important to me is the final selling price. The top one with lower gross sales, yet higher net income sold for $175,000 more. That figure for most people including myself is a life changing dollar amount.
Each of you in your career has been on the call with a frozen unit at a customers house when they say, “It is just a little low on Freon, your competitor ( insert name here of one of your competitors who should not even be licensed by the state ) comes by every month and just adds a little to it because they say I have a slow leak”.
After a few minutes of looking you see the 15 year old filter that has been there since the unit was installed, that is hiding a coil that is so matted with dirt, dog hair, and mold that an air compressor could not squeak a bit of air through it.
Now, you and I both know chances are it is not a Freon issue at all, but rather an air flow issue that is causing the unit to freeze up. We also both know that customers every day call “qualified” heating and air companies to fix their problems, and unfortunately sometimes they are not receiving the best advice.
When it comes to selling your heating and air business you have spent years to build, are you going to trust that job to the person who is going to top off the Freon? Or to someone who is going to take the time to go through your business in detail to determine the correct listing price, marketing plan, and resources to get your business sold at a price that you feel comfortable with?
Selling your heating and air company is a major decision to make, I know because I have been there. Make sure when it is your time to sell, that you are working with someone that you trust, and someone who has experience in selling heating and air companies.
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