Staying (Short Term) After the Sale
In almost every business listing, we add this sentence: “Owner is willing to stay short-term to ensure a smooth transition.” What does that mean for the seller, and why does it [...]
In almost every business listing, we add this sentence: “Owner is willing to stay short-term to ensure a smooth transition.” What does that mean for the seller, and why does it [...]
I get this question a lot from owners getting ready to sell: what will happen to my company’s name? The short answer is - whatever the new owner wants to [...]
Here’s What You Need to Know. It’s always intriguing when you get a call about your interest in selling your business. You may not have even considered selling before that [...]
If you’ve been in this business long enough, you’ve seen plenty of change. For years, people bought from companies based on word of mouth. They found vendors through the telephone [...]
Economists and other pundits have been talking about a slowdown for at least a year. Some say we’re headed for a recession; some say we may still get a “soft [...]
Here’s my definition of a great deal: the buyer walks away thinking, “I might have paid a little more than I wanted, but I got a good deal.” The seller [...]
Patrick Lange As I write this, it’s 70 degrees outside my office on the west coast of Florida. It’s 45 degrees in Nashville, 27 degrees in Minneapolis, and 83 degrees [...]
Structuring an Agreement that Works I spoke with George Pappas, a Clearwater, Florida-based attorney specializing in business and title law. Pappas says that if a company is structured as an [...]
Almost every business owner has at least one trusted, long-tenured employee who is indispensable to the business. They keep things running smoothly when you’re out of the office, solve problems [...]
I get this question often from HVAC owners: I’m doing pretty well for myself, and I think there’s more money to be made in my market - should I expand [...]